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Our Services

Big Data

Data is the most precious asset in the current idea economy. Here success is attained only by those businesses, which rapidly get their idea to market. Data-driven businesses know how to react to market trends and achieve significant gains.

Information Technology Consulting

Ameyatrix helps businesses address technology decisions and ensure that their IT departments and operating models are agile and effective. They power them to pass over the noise of changing technology trends to produce lasting outcomes.

Blockchain Powered Solutions

Creation, modification and smart contracts The blockchain is an unquestionably cleverest invention in the technology world. The modern blockchain technology has evolved into something greater. We know how to take advantages of this incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions.

Custom Software and App Development

Ameyatrix offers software and App development services to help clients implement software projects at economical cost. We power our clients at every stage of the development process and deliver solutions that accord with the specified requirements. We know how to use the technology to take your business to new heights.

Web Development

Make your online face appear the excellent. Find the most effective, creative, technically infused and easy to operate custom websites with us.

Quality Asurance

Testing is no longer just a phase to be ignored, but has now been recognized as an integral part of any production cycle. Ameyatrix strives to constantly make efforts to deliver avant-garde testing services managing end-to-end test life cycles. 

The Ameyatrix Difference

Service offerings are competitive in nature Have been working for some fortune 500+

Ability to bring best practices and experience with leading companies & government agencies

Flexibility with informed point of view optimizes clients’ technology choices

Delivery anytime, anywhere via resources with our strategic staffing

Strong leadership & global partnership team

A passionate, global team with deep technical expertise and industry knowledge



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